What’s new since the Canterbury Community Outdoor Covered Rink proposal received Council’s approval

In April 2016, a report to Finance and Economic Development Committee and Council was approved. The report set out the project’s funding model, design and construction. Read the full report.

Since receiving approval, the project moved to the next phase of its development – detailed design. The design team is progressing on schedule, tasked with fine tuning a design in keeping with the concept plan that was presented to public in February 2016.

The latest design drawings (site plan and floor plan) are being used to support an application to the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance from the Zoning Bylaw to permit an increase to 9.2m from 6m in the maximum height to accommodate the structure’s roof.

The Committee of Adjustment hearing for the Canterbury project is scheduled for Wednesday July 20th at 6:30 pm in the Chambers at Ben Franklin, 101 Centrepointe Drive.  Signs are posted on-site giving notice of the Committee of Adjustment meeting as well notices have been delivered to those neighbours in the immediate area.

Work to finalize the detailed design, planning documents and cost estimates will be completed over the next several weeks in preparation for a site plan amendment application to the City’s Planning Department late summer.

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Canterbury Outdoor Covered Rink Proposal

In response to the demand for more ice time and recreation space in Alta Vista’s communities, a refrigerated outdoor covered rink is proposed for Canterbury, based on the City of Toronto’s hugely successful Greenwood Park (opened in 2013).

Initial discussions with community associations and local sports groups indicated enough support to move ahead with a preliminary assessments and wider consultation to the public.

WHAT:  A 70’ (21m) x 160’ (49m) refrigerated outdoor rink with a 28’ (8.5m) high steel roof to protect the surface and shelter users from elements which would provide year-round programming and event space.

WHERE: The rink would be located adjacent to the Brian Kilrea Arena at the Canterbury Recreation Complex, providing easy access for the zamboni from the existing arena. This location necessitates the removal and replacement of about 25 trees, and 22 parking spots.

WHEN: The collection of community and stakeholder feedback is ongoing. A tentative schedule would bring this proposal to City of Ottawa Committee and Council in April 2016, with site plan work beginning July 2016. The facility could open as early as November 2017.

WHO:  This facility would offer both programmed and free-skate scheduling for all ages and abilities. In addition to winter sports, many warm weather activities would be possible, such as yoga, shuffleboard, farmers markets, and more.

COST: The facility is expected to have $88K in annual operational costs. The estimated total capital cost is $5.8M, to be covered by:

  • $400K Sponsorships and community partners
  • $2.5M of city wide development charges to fund this growth project
  • $2.9M 10-year tax levy for ward 18 (est. $16 avg. annually)

Updates for this project will be posted to Questions and proposal feedback can be submitted to Councillor Cloutier directly by emailing or calling 613-580-2488.


Notice of Community Information Meeting:

Moving forward with investments in innovative recreational facilities for Alta Vista A proposal for the Canterbury Community Outdoor Covered Rink

During the 2014 municipal election campaign, many Alta Vista residents told me they were looking for investments in recreational facilities to address the growing needs of the community and create functional spaces to play and exercise. In response, I committed to exploring avenues to make this happen.

Eleven years ago, we used a combination of funding sources – development charges, community contributions and an area-specific levy to modernize and expand the Canterbury Community Centre. The Centre is now a thriving, year-round hub for recreation and cultural programming. I have seen firsthand how this funding model was successfully used and believe it can be applied to improve other facilities in Alta Vista.

The Brian Kilrea Arena has served us very well, but the hockey community needs more ice time; recreational skaters are looking for more access too. While twinning the arena is just not affordable, I campaigned to add an outdoor covered rink to the Canterbury complex.

This past year I have worked closely with city staff to study the feasibility of constructing and funding this unique multi-purpose recreation facility. It will feature a roofed, refrigerated ice surface that will offer all-weather outdoor programming to the Canterbury community and beyond. The combination of surface refrigeration and a roof structure will allow for year-round community use, from ice sports and events from November through March to non-ice programs and events from spring to early fall.

The proposed facility would be located beside the Brian Kilrea Arena to share existing site infrastructure and services, as well as increase the community’s use of an already significant and multipurpose City recreation asset.

As an expansion project, it is eligible for funding from the City’s Development Charge Reserve. Our community partners are excited about the potential for community programming and are anticipated to contribute. To raise the balance of the funds, I’m proposing to reinstate the area-specific levy, at an approximate rate of $16 per average household annually for a 10-year period. The Municipal Act allows communities to fund expansion programs, such as the one proposed here, by placing an area rate or levy (similar to a local improvement charge) on the service area of the recreation complex.

I am very pleased with progress to date and wish to start the broader community discussion on the potential for such an exciting and innovative addition to Alta Vista.

To learn more about the proposed preliminary concept, the funding model and the community partnerships, please plan to attend:

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

7:30 to 9:15 p.m. (Presentation to begin at 8:00 p.m.)

Hall B, Canterbury Community Centre

2185 Arch Street

For further information, please contact