This is a difficult time for the community and the police service. The Board understands the police membership wanting to show support for one another. However the wristbands, even if well-meaning, have unintended consequences and are divisive. We need to take a step...
Ottawa – En collaboration avec Fire Service Women Ontario, le Service des incendies d’Ottawa est heureux de solliciter des candidatures pour le Camp d’apprenties pompières de 2017. Ce programme s’adresse aux jeunes filles âgées de 15 à 19 ans qui répondent aux...
Ottawa – Ottawa Fire Services, in partnership with Fire Service Women Ontario, is pleased to announce an application call for Camp FFIT (Female Firefighters in Training) 2017. Young women between the ages of 15 and 19, who meet the application criteria, are invited to...
On Monday, March 2nd interested residents braved the cold and joined me and representatives from a large selection of community resource services for Alta Vista’s first ever Community Safety and Resource Night. Residents had the chance to visit various booths, gather...
Ottawa – Le Conseil municipal a donné le feu vert à l’Étape 2 du projet visant à étendre le transport en commun par train léger sur rail plus loin et plus rapidement dans les communautés à l’est, à l’ouest et au sud. Le rapport sur l’Étape 2...