OC Transpo makes spring service adjustments

OC Transpo makes spring service adjustments

Ottawa – OC Transpo’s spring service starts Sunday, April 22. Minor route changes will be made to help us get ready for rail and the opening of O-Train Line 1, the Confederation Line, later this year. Other spring service changes include adjusted schedules and...
Encore plus facile à Ottawa d’utiliser sa carte PRESTO

Encore plus facile à Ottawa d’utiliser sa carte PRESTO

Ottawa – Le maire Jim Watson, Stephen Blais, président de la Commission du transport en commun, Garry Griffin, directeur de district pour Shoppers Drug Mart, et Annalise Czerny, vice-présidente aux Opérations pour PRESTO, se trouvaient aujourd’hui au Shoppers Drug...
Using a Presto card in Ottawa just got easier

Using a Presto card in Ottawa just got easier

Ottawa – Mayor Jim Watson, Transit Commission Chair Stephen Blais, Garry Griffin, Shoppers Drug Mart District Manager, and Annalise Czerny, PRESTO’s Executive Vice-President, were at a Shoppers Drug Mart in Barrhaven today to announce that Presto card services will be...
RECHERCHÉS : Bénévoles pour la Patrouille des sentiers

RECHERCHÉS : Bénévoles pour la Patrouille des sentiers

En plus de faciliter les déplacements dans notre ville, les sentiers d’Ottawa permettent de découvrir de magnifiques paysages. En place depuis 1997, le programme Patrouille des sentiers de la Ville a aidé à rendre les sentiers d’Ottawa plus sécuritaires. Cette année,...
WANTED: Pathway Patrol Volunteers

WANTED: Pathway Patrol Volunteers

Ottawa’s pathways have amazing scenery to discover and are a great way to get in and around our city. The City’s Pathway Patrol program has been around since 1997 and has helped make Ottawa’s pathways safer. This year, Safer Roads Ottawa is looking for volunteers who...