When the O-Train Confederation Line launches in 2018, customers will be riding a world-class, state-of-the-art light rail transit system that puts customer safety first. Confederation Line stations and trains have been designed to the highest standards of safety. The...
Ottawa — Cette semaine et la semaine prochaine, les enfants rentrent en classe, et nombre d’entre eux utiliseront le vélo, l’autobus, ou la marche pour se rendre à destination. Le Service de police d’Ottawa rappelle, aux automobilistes comme aux piétons,...
(Ottawa)—This week and next, children will be returning to school and many will be bussing, walking and riding their bikes to their destinations. The Ottawa Police Service reminds motorists and pedestrians to be aware of the increase of children and youth on city...
Ottawa – Santé publique Ottawa, en partenariat avec le Groupe de travail d’Ottawa sur la prévention des surdoses et l’intervention en la matière, veut rappeler aux étudiants collégiaux et universitaires les risques associés à la consommation de drogue et d’alcool,...
Ottawa – Ottawa Public Health, in partnership with the Ottawa Overdose Prevention and Response Task Force, is reminding college and university students to be aware of the risk of drug and alcohol-related harms, including overdose, during welcome-back and orientation...