Calling all music lovers!

Calling all music lovers!

The Ottawa Music Micro-Grants initiative (OMMG) is a partnership between the Ottawa 2017 JUNO Host Committee and the Ottawa Music Industry Coalition that will help spread music across the city in the month leading up to the 2017 JUNO Awards.   The program will provide...
Ottawa City Council tables its 2017 Draft Budget

Ottawa City Council tables its 2017 Draft Budget

The Draft Budget 2017 is a balance of community services and the desire to maintain an affordable city for all residents.  It proposes a 2% tax increase cap and includes an increase in funding to social programs such as a transit pass for low income residents...
VIA Rail- Update on Infrastructure Maintenace Behind Avenues O and P

VIA Rail- Update on Infrastructure Maintenace Behind Avenues O and P

The following projects are slated for next weekend, Saturday, November 26th and Sunday, November 27th. Continuous Welded Rail (CWR): One of the final steps required on the new welded rail behind Avenues O and P, and in the area of the bridge over Riverside Drive, is...
Réunions à l’hôtel de ville d’Ottawa la semaine prochaine

Réunions à l’hôtel de ville d’Ottawa la semaine prochaine

Ottawa – Sauf avis contraire, toutes les réunions publiques se tiendront à l’hôtel de ville d’Ottawa, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest. Pour obtenir un ordre du jour complet et les mises à jour, inscrivez-vous aux alertes par courriel ou consultez ou...
Meetings at Ottawa City Hall next week

Meetings at Ottawa City Hall next week

Ottawa – All public meetings will be held at Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, unless otherwise noted. For a complete agenda and updates, please sign up for email alerts or visit, or call 3-1-1.  Planning Committee – Budget –...