September 9th, 2015

OC Transpo services at Hurdman have improved significantly this morning and buses are flowing as expected.  I am in constant contact with city and OC Transpo staff and will follow-up with any relevant updates.


I had the opportunity to chat with residents yesterday at Hurdman, and they expressed their frustration over delays during their commute. Adjustments have been made and staff continue to monitor the situation. As always, if you have any questions, I encourage you to contact my office at 613-580-2488, or You can also visit the OC Transpo website at

September 8th, 2015

This morning OC Transpo experienced serious operational delays in and around Hurdman Station.

As your ward councillor I apologise for the inconvenience this caused. Delays were a result of the reconfigured temporary platform and increased traffic on this first day after Labour Day

The temporary station was built as part of the LRT construction. The existing station and platforms need to be demolished to make way for the new station currently under construction. Timing and implementation is linked to the construction plans needed to deliver the LRT project. Adjustments are linked to service change dates, construction schedules and contractual processes associated with the LRT.

I have had a meeting with Stephen Blais, Chair of the Transit Commission and have had contact with John Manconi the General Manager of OC Transpo.

It is important to immediately improve the flow through the station and to mitigate the effects of the new temporary platform by implementing whatever structural or traffic changes as might be appropriate.

An integrated City wide team of OC Transpo, Traffic, Traffic Incident Management Group, Rail Implementation Office and Emergency Management were immediately mobilized to look at short-and long-term solutions.
Details are being finalized and will be implemented for this afternoon’s peak service

They include the following:

  1. Special Constables will be at multiple locations at the station directing traffic which will improve flow
  2. A temporary road that was closed and can provide relief in the station will be reopened providing extra bus flow capacity
  3. Bus stop assignments will be revised in order to better manage flow through the station
  4. A bump out that is restricting articulated buses from being able to move into the platforms is being removed
  5. No deadheading buses will be permitted through the station reducing volumes
  6. No vehicles through the station unless  in service or emergency vehicles
  7. Extra supervisory, customer service staff will be on site to improve flow/manage volumes
  8. Any customer facing changes will be communicated to our customers

These measures are being implemented today and a detailed review of the design of the station is also underway. For updates, please continue to check my website and the OC Transpo website.

Again, I apologize for this major inconvenience.  I hope your commute this evening is without incident.


As part of the O-Train Confederation Line project, construction of the future light rail transit (LRT) stations and guideway is underway this summer as the Transitway between Hurdman and Blair remains closed to convert the Transitway to LRT.

Future LRT Hurdman Station Construction

WHY:  A new Hurdman Station will be built to accommodate LRT.

WHAT:  A new station built north of the existing one to accommodate LRT. A temporary bus loop is also being constructed adjacent to the existing station to continue Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service during construction.

Crews have mobilized onsite to continue elevated guideway construction. The type of construction activities planned for this site include: elevated guideway construction, demolition of existing buildings onsite, electrical works and removals, station structure work (foundations, walls, platforms, roof), installation of stairs, escalators and elevators, track work and systems installation as well as final mechanical, electrical and finishing works.

WHEN: Guideway construction is ongoing. Station construction is scheduled to begin in the Fall of 2015 and anticipated to conclude in early 2017. Testing and commissioning is scheduled to occur after construction is completed and the station will open for revenue service in spring 2018.

  • Site mobilization, including equipment and trailers – ongoing as required
  • Elevated guideway construction – ongoing until Summer 2016
  • Multi-use pathway access – detours ongoing throughout construction
  • Station construction – Fall 2015
  • Final station landscaping works – Spring/Summer 2017
  • Testing and Commissioning –2017
  • New Hurdman Station opens – Spring 2018

WHERE: Construction will occur within the construction staging area. Fencing and signage will be in place indicating the parameters of the area.

Sidewalks and Multi-Use Pathways

Sidewalks and pathway access will be maintained, slight detours are required throughout station and guideway construction. Signage is in place indicating detours.

OC Transpo

The Transitway between Hurdman and Blair is now closed until 2018.  The Hurdman Station has moved slightly east of the current location and continues to be in service with some routes being adjusted to accommodate the ongoing construction work.  These route adjustments will be in place until 2018.  For further details, please visit

Contact Information

For any problems encountered outside normal working hours on weekdays and weekends, please call the City’s contact centre at 3-1-1. For general project information or to sign up for weekly construction emails please check the O-Train Confederation Line website:

For further information about this project, please contact the City’s representative:

Nicholas Levesque

Stakeholder Relations, Rail Implementation Office


(613) 580-2424 Ext. 17950