Neighbourhood Watch Chair and Secretary Position opportunity

Neighbourhood Watch Chair and Secretary Position opportunity

Ottawa – Ottawa Neighbourhood Watch is a citywide community program supported by the Ottawa Police Service. The Ottawa Neighbourhood Watch Executive Committee (ONWEC) is currently seeking volunteer applications for the role of Chair and Secretary to establish a new...
Soirée de sécurité et de ressources communautaires

Soirée de sécurité et de ressources communautaires

À l’approche du printemps, la saison du renouveau, j’aimerais prendre le temps de discuter avec vous des aspects de notre communauté auxquels on devrait accorder plus d’attention. En nous rassemblant pour échanger des idées et pour favoriser la sensibilisation et...
Community Safety and Resource Night

Community Safety and Resource Night

As we move into Spring –the season of renewal, I would like to take the time to meet with you to hear about the areas in our community that need more attention. I hope that in bringing the community together to gather input, raise awareness, and increase engagement,...