Greatwise Developments Ltd. is proposing to add a 9-storey apartment building to the Playfair Towers property.
The new building will be constructed on top of the exiting 3-level parking structure that is located between the two existing buildings at 1701 Kilborn Avenue and 1695 Playfair Drive. The proposal, which complies with current zoning requirements, includes 120 units and 93 parking spaces. The new parking spaces will be screened and landscaped. Access to the new building and parking will be from Kilborn Avenue.
Playfair Residences -Aerial Photo
Playfair Residences -Perspective Views
Playfair Residences -Proposed Phase 1
Playfair Residences -Proposed Phase 2
Should you have any questions regarding this application, please do not hesitate to contact me at 613-580-2488 or by email at
Thank you for your continued interest in this project.