Ottawa – Ottawa Public Health, in partnership with the Ottawa Overdose Prevention and Response Task Force, is reminding college and university students to be aware of the risk of drug and alcohol-related harms, including overdose, during welcome-back and orientation...
Au terme d’une année remplie de célébrations marquant le cent cinquantenaire de notre pays, quoi de mieux qu’une capsule témoin pour couronner les festivités? Chaque quartier de notre ville pourra choisir des articles qui reflètent le caractère de sa communauté et les...
As we wrap up a year filled with celebrations marking our country’s sesquicentennial anniversary, it’s only fitting to cap the festivities with a time capsule. Each Ward in our City will have the opportunity to select items that reflect the character of...
Ottawa – Santé publique Ottawa (SPO) a reçu du laboratoire la confirmation d’un premier cas humain d’infection par le virus du Nil occidental (VNO) à Ottawa pour la saison de recensement du VNO 2017. SPO rappelle à tous les résidents et résidentes d’Ottawa...
Ottawa – Ottawa Public Health (OPH) has received lab confirmation of the first human case of the West Nile Virus (WNV) in Ottawa for the 2017 WNV season. OPH reminds all Ottawa residents to protect themselves from mosquito bites and to remove standing water where...