Ottawa –Residents are invited to participate in an online public information session on the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit (LRT) proposal, the largest infrastructure project in the City’s history. City Staff will deliver a presentation on the Stage 2 LRT project and take...
Ottawa – La Ville d’Ottawa va de l’avant avec huit projets d’énergie renouvelable et de conservation d’énergie, totalisant 300 000 $, afin de faire avancer de façon concrète sa Stratégie d’énergie renouvelable, appelée Évolution énergétique. Le...
Ottawa – The City of Ottawa is proceeding with eight renewable energy and energy conservation projects, totalling $300,000, as a practical way to advance the City’s Renewable Energy Strategy, called Energy Evolution. An update report on the Energy Evolution Strategy...
Ottawa – Surveillance de quartier Ottawa est un programme communautaire actif à l’échelle municipale et appuyé par le Service de police d’Ottawa. Le comité de direction de Surveillance de quartier Ottawa sollicite présentement les candidatures de bénévoles...
Ottawa – Ottawa Neighbourhood Watch is a citywide community program supported by the Ottawa Police Service. The Ottawa Neighbourhood Watch Executive Committee (ONWEC) is currently seeking volunteer applications for the role of Chair and Secretary to establish a new...